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Digital Marketing is not as Simple as People Presume

tyccAd | February 24, 2023 | Digital Marketing


Promoting goods and services to customers through digital platforms is known as “digital marketing”. This type of marketing uses social media, websites, mobile devices, search engines, and other channels with similar functions. With new trends appearing every year, digital marketing is evolving fast, leaving advertisers with an abundance of options. Since too many options often lead to confusion, selecting the right tools and implementing them in the right way requires good knowledge, insights, and experience. That’s why digital marketing is not everyone’s cup of tea and an unprofessional approach can in fact tarnish the image of a brand rather than building it.

Digital Marketing incorporates some same concepts as conventional marketing and is frequently seen as a fresh way for businesses to interact with customers and comprehend their behaviour. The sheer amount of digital tools and methods available now presents its own set of challenges, even though reaching the right audience at the right time with relevant material remains a major problem for marketers.

No matter what anyone claims, digital marketing is difficult. Engaging in and managing social media? Using a mobile index? Rank a page? Producing leads? The requirements for digital marketing are endless.

However, in present times, it is impossible to establish a new brand in the market without a successful digital marketing plan. Besides, digital marketing is quintessential if you sell products/services through an e-commerce site or a service website and want to attract more customers.

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Role of a digital marketer

Digital marketers are responsible for generating leads and increasing brand awareness across all paid and free digital channels for a business. Social media platforms, the company’s website, display advertising, search engine rankings, email, and the company’s blog page are some of these channels.

To accurately measure performance, the digital marketer concentrates on each channel’s key performance indicators (KPIs). For instance, a digital marketer in charge of SEO would evaluate the organic traffic to their website.

Types of digital marketing

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO aims to raise a company’s position in Google search results, subsequently increasing traffic from search engines to the company’s website. To do this, SEO marketers look up the terms, key words, people often use while searching information online. An SEO expert strategically plays around these key words by including them in the text and video content and post them on various high ranking online publishing platforms.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Boosted search engine results and sponsored adverts are both referred as pay-per-click. Since this kind of digital marketing is ephemeral, the advertisement will vanish if you stop making payments. Like SEO, PPC is a technique for increasing search traffic to a website for a business. Pay-per-click advertisements can be shown at the top and sides of search results pages, such as while browsing the web, ads in mobile apps and before/during YouTube videos.

  • Content MarketingContent Marketing Services

To enhance brand awareness, content marketing is the direct as well as indirect way of promoting a brand through narratives, storytelling, and information sharing. Instead of focusing only on completing a single sale, you should strive to develop a long-lasting, trustworthy relationship with your clients. The ultimate objective is to persuade the reader for call to action (CTA) which involves asking for more details, joining an email list, or completing a purchase.

  • Email Marketing

Email is still one of the most efficient marketing strategies, despite the rise of social media, smartphone apps, and other platforms. Experts in email marketing understand how to build campaigns that engage audiences, how to analyse consumer interactions and data, and how to base strategic decisions on that data.

  • Video Marketing

One of the most well-known search engines in the world is YouTube. Before making a purchase, many consumers go to YouTube to learn what others feel and share about a brand.

A video marketing campaign is run using a variety of video marketing platforms, including Facebook Videos and Instagram reels. Integrating video into SEO, content marketing, and more extensive social media marketing efforts helps businesses use it most effectively.

  • Social media marketingSocial Media Marketing Services

A social media marketing campaign’s main objectives include building social trust and brand awareness. As you learn more about social media marketing, you can use it to generate leads or even as a route for direct marketing or sales.

  • SMS Marketing

Businesses and non-profit groups also use SMS or text messaging to tell customers about their latest promotions. With the development of technology, many text-to-give initiatives now enable customers to make a direct payment by sending a simple text message.

  • Affiliate Marketing

One of the oldest types of marketing is affiliate marketing, which the internet has given new life. Each month, millions of dollars are paid to websites selling products from well-known corporations like Amazon or Myntra through their affiliate programmes. Influencers use affiliate marketing to promote other people’s products, they are paid every time a lead or sale is generated.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Digital Marketing

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Digital Marketing

KPIs are quantitative means for businesses to assess their long-term performance by comparing it with their rivals. This covers company strategy, monetary objectives and successes, operational tasks, and marketing initiatives. Some of the most popular KPIs that digital marketers can utilise to assist businesses in achieving their objectives include the following:

  • Conversion Rate

This measure focuses on marketing campaigns with calls to action. These initiatives solicit people to follow specific activities, including purchasing a good or service before the end of a deal. By dividing the total number of requests submitted by the total number of successful engagements, businesses may determine their conversion rate.

  • Blog Posts

Marketers can use this KPI to gauge how frequently a company publishes blog posts each month.

  • Website Traffic

With the use of this metric, marketers can keep track of how many people visit a company’s website. This information can be used by corporate management to analyse whether the website’s design and navigation affect sales.

  • Click-through rates

Businesses can use this KPI to gauge the proportion of email deliveries that result in clicks. This includes how many recipients actually open emails and click links to finish purchases.

  • Social media traffic

It measures the volume of interactions with business social media pages. Likes, follows, views, shares, and other quantifiable activities are included here.

Digital marketing challenges

Digital marketers are being forced by shifting consumer behaviour to change their strategy as it becomes more and more challenging meeting customer expectations, maintain a competitive edge, and stay up-to-date with new technology. Well, there is no doubt that digital marketing is presently in a transitional stage, with challenges including:

  • Generating engaging content

As video and audio have become increasingly popular in recent years, the concept of engaging content has changed drastically. Although it may not be a new trend, the demand for intriguing and interesting content is growing. It might be difficult for agencies to come up with fresh, creative ways to offer content and communicate that is appropriate for the target demographics.

  • Customer-focused market

Adopting a customer-centric strategy is not simple, especially in light of the fact that customer requirements and expectations are ever-changing. However, the secret to success in the digital market is using a customer-centric marketing strategy.

  • Generating quality leads

Finding new clients who will be repeat customers is known as quality leads, and is considered one of the biggest digital marketing challenges. It’s difficult to find good leads and also requires time and effort. Utilizing a CRM can be beneficial, particularly if marketing automation is set up. But to produce high-quality leads, more is required than just a few very effective and complex technologies.

  • Developing a content marketing strategy

Every company or organization should create a content marketing plan, and this strategy must align with your social media marketing strategy and other marketing initiatives. However, the majority of firms are unsure of where to begin. Well, knowing what content your target audience values and how to share it is basic for creating a content marketing plan.

  • PPC budgeting

Setting a budget for pay-per-click advertisements has been challenging. When it comes to PPC ad budget, there isn’t a magic number; it primarily relies on your objectives (such as conversions, growing your audience, email newsletter signups, website traffic, etc.) and how much you’re ready to spend to meet those goals ( CPA cost per acquisition, how much a new customer is worth to you, etc.) You need to have precise and quantifiable objectives to identify how much money to allocate for a PPC campaign.

  • Promoting brand awareness

One of the most significant obstacles in digital marketing is raising brand awareness because without doing so, you wouldn’t be able to generate leads. While raising brand awareness is not difficult in and of itself, doing so successfully can be challenging.

An omnichannel or multichannel strategy is needed to increase brand awareness. All your available channels must be used to advertise your business and connect with your entire audience successfully. Using all the tools available to market your brand needs much work upfront, including developing a strategy, planning campaigns, and setting up locations where your audience may interact with your brand.

  • Stagnant Social Media Accounts

A vital tactic is to incorporate social media into your online marketing strategies. However, after your pages and accounts are operational and producing little to no returns, it might be time to re-examine your strategy. Digital marketers must keep in mind the fundamental goal of their social media accounts. Social media is ultimately intended to boost goodwill between you and your customers.

  • Managing emerging trends

Being competent at all times is a skill in and of itself, particularly in highly dynamic fields like digital marketing. In fact, it is so volatile that digital marketers frequently face difficulties with it. That is why digital marketers should concentrate on expanding their social media following, creating the ideal marketing portfolios, and maximising website performance metrics. The challenges in digital marketing could change again tomorrow, and marketers might have to cope with entirely new problems.

  • Privacy and data-sharing regulations

Digital marketers continuously deal with changing privacy laws and the phase-out of third-party cookies. Agencies must make sure they comply with any rules governing a population in whatever country they are targeting in order to get increasingly more visitors from around the world to a website.

Furthermore, because recipients are overwhelmed with competing advertisements, it becomes harder to hold their attention. It can be difficult for digital marketers to examine the enormous amounts of data they collect and then use that data to create fresh marketing initiatives.

  • Evaluating the tools

To make their jobs easier, all marketers use tools. However, now there are numerous tools on the market that can be used to do a single task. A marketer must sort through the uncertainty of which tool will be most advantageous. Choosing the best tool and improving your skills to get the most out of it are difficult tasks.

  • Stay ahead of Google updates & algorithms

Everyone is aware of Google’s hegemony among search engines. To give its users a better experience, Google is constantly upgrading its algorithms. And it may impact the popularity and traffic of the website. Marketers understand that SEO is a continuous process and what is the difference between basic SEO and advanced SEO, which is why it is important to educate yourself about Google’s upgrades and algorithms as a marketer at a constant pace.


In the never-ending competition to be the greatest in your industry, it is your company’s objective to place first. Because of this, marketers are constantly sharpening their abilities, enhancing their methods, and maximising low-cost marketing solutions.

Making their brand stand out in the digital environment is an additional hurdle that Digital Marketers must overcome. As a result, despite the fact that there are countless resources online, it may be more challenging.

If you want to do digital marketing for your company in a more resul-driven and effective way, it is suggested to get in touch with a seasoned digital marketing firm like ours.

A comprehensive and robust digital footprint is necessary if you want to be noticed and heard in the market. We at TYC Communication, the top digital marketing agency in Delhi, step in to help with that. We strive to put forth our best effort as a team of astute and creative thinkers to promote the growth and success of our clients in a competitive marketplace.


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